About our mushroom products

All of our fruiting blocks and mushroom spawn are certified BC organic (KOGS#102), and are the very same products that we use on our own fresh mushroom farm in Kaslo, BC. As such, you have our assurance that all of our strains have been tested in various real-world growing environments, and meet the standards of a commercial mushroom farm. Besides the strains and products listed, please enquire if you have any specific fungal needs! We love custom cultivation jobs, and we are also able to offer further discounts to repeat customers and commercial clients.

King Stropharia

stropharia rugosoannulata

King Stropharia Mushrooms

Can perennialize and fruit for years!


Huge burgundy caps


The best choice for outdoor garden growing

Similar to a portabella in size and texture, but with slightly softer flesh, and a flavour reminiscent of potatoes and red wine.
15-25 degrees C, in outdoor beds with ample moisture and shade. We usually get several natural flushes per year, following rainy periods or cooling temperatures.
Dependent on bed size and composition, but very good! We would expect at least several lbs per year from each of our 3’x10’ outdoor beds, and this species will perennialize and produce in the same location for years if occasionally topped-up with more fresh substrate.
Hardwood chips or sawdust, straw, leaf mulch, or other fibrous material. King Stropharia does not need a pasteurized substrate, but using fresh materials will always increase the chances of a successful grow. Supplementing your basic material is not needed or advised. Please see our King Stropharia instructions for more cultivation information!

As with any mushroom growing outdoors, correct identification is critical before consuming. 

See our instructions  for details, and when in doubt, send us a message to confirm your ID!

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Shiitake Wide Range

Lentinula edodes

Shiitake Mushrooms

One year colonization time, fruits for 4+ years


Can be force-fruited by soaking in cold water


Suitable as an inoculant for mushroom logs

Full of umami flavour, this mushroom has earned its reputation as one of the most prized edible mushroom varieties. Excellent dried.
Can be force-fruited when daytime highs are above 15C. Soak in cold water for 12-24 hours to induce pinning, and harvest 1-2 weeks later. Keep logs moist and shaded while fruiting, especially in hot and dry weather. Can be force fruited every 8-10 weeks during the growing season.
For mushroom logs, assume 1lb per year per log. Yields are dependent on choosing a healthy log of the correct species.

Shiitake mushrooms favour oak, but hard maples (e.g. sugar maple) are also excellent. Of the western tree species, birch and alder are good choices. Avoid fruit tree wood and all conifers.

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Shiitake Cold Weather

Lentinula edodes

Shiitake Mushrooms

One year colonization time, fruits for 4+ years


Fruits naturally in mid to late fall


Suitable as an inoculant for mushroom logs

Full of umami flavour, this mushroom has earned its reputation as one of the most prized edible mushroom varieties. Excellent dried.
Fruits naturally in the mid to late fall, when moist conditions persist and daytime highs are around 10-15C.
For mushroom logs, assume 1lb per year per log. Yields are dependent on choosing a healthy log of the correct species.

Shiitake mushrooms favour oak, but hard maples (e.g. sugar maple) are also excellent. Of the western tree species, birch and alder are good choices. Avoid fruit tree wood and all conifers.

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Blue Oyster

pleurotus ostreatus-columbinus

Blue Oyster Mushrooms

Great for beginners


Quick to fruit


High Yields

A well known and versatile mushroom, Oysters have a gentle chewiness reminiscent of seafood. Great in Asian cuisine and beyond, Oyster Mushrooms shine when lightly sautéed.
10-25 degrees C, 85% Relative Humidity. Kits and premade blocks pinning within one week, 1st harvest within two weeks, 2nd harvest within 6 weeks.
For kits and premade blocks, expect up to 1lb on 1st harvest and 4oz on 2nd harvest.
Hardwood chips or sawdust, straw, coffee grounds, various agricultural waste products and fibrous materials. Oyster mushrooms are the most versatile mushroom in terms of substrate choice. If using a low protein substrate (e.g sawdust), the use of a protein-rich supplement such as wheat bran or soy hulls will dramatically boost yields.

Most hardwoods (deciduous trees) are suitable, with birch, alder, and poplar being some locally common examples.  Please refer to our documents on log inoculation for more details.

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Chestnut Mushroom

pholiota adiposa

Chestnut Mushrooms

Good yields on second flush


Earthy, rich flavour


Beautiful golden caps and slender stems

Earthy flavour and a nice contrast between softer caps and slightly crisp long stems when lightly cooked.
15-25 degrees C, 85% Relative Humidity. Kits and premade blocks pinning within two weeks, 1st harvest within three weeks, 2nd harvest within 6 weeks. May have trouble initiating at higher temperatures without cold shock.
For kits and premade blocks, expect up to 12oz on 1st harvest and 8oz on 2nd harvest.
Hardwood chips or sawdust. Supplement with a protein-rich additive and pasteurize for best results.

Most hardwoods (deciduous trees) are suitable, with birch, cottonwood, and aspen being some locally common examples. Please refer to our documents on log inoculation  for more details.

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Comb Tooth

hericium americanum

Comb Tooth Mushrooms

Mildly sweet, complex taste


Intermediate between Bear’s Head and Lion’s Mane for spine formation


Fast to fruit at low temperatures

A complex and assertive yet gentle taste, with a mild sweetness. Does well as a vegetarian substitute for crab, or other shellfish.
10-25 degrees C, 85% Relative Humidity. Kits and premade blocks pinning within one week, 1st harvest within two weeks, 2nd harvest within 6 weeks.
For kits and premade blocks, expect up to 1lb on 1st harvest and 4oz on 2nd harvest.
Hardwood chips or sawdust. Mushrooms of the hericium genus have a faint, wispy mycelium that needs a fairly clean (preferably pasteurized) substrate for optimal growth. Supplementing with a protein-rich amendment is recommended to boost yields.

Most hardwoods (deciduous trees) are suitable, with birch, cottonwood, and maple being some locally common examples. Please refer to our documents on log inoculation for more details.

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Lion’s Mane

hericium erinaceus

Lions Mane Mushrooms

Valued as a medicinal as well as gourmet mushroom


Does well over a large temperature range


Beautiful white icicle spines

A complex and assertive yet gentle taste, with a mild sweetness. Does well as a vegetarian substitute for crab, or other shellfish.
10-30 degrees C, 85% Relative Humidity. Kits and premade blocks pinning within two weeks, 1st harvest within three weeks, 2nd harvest within 6 weeks.
For kits and premade blocks, expect up to 1lb on 1st harvest and 4oz on 2nd harvest.
Hardwood chips or sawdust. Mushrooms of the hericium genus have a faint, wispy mycelium that needs a fairly clean (preferably pasteurized) substrate for optimal growth. Supplementing with a protein-rich amendment is recommended to boost yields.
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pholiota nameko

Nameko Mushrooms

Good outdoor log strain


Gelatinous coating disappears with cooking


Striking golden caps and scaled stems

Earthy flavour and a nice contrast between softer caps and slightly crisp long stems when lightly cooked.

Most hardwoods (deciduous trees) are suitable, with birch, cottonwood, and aspen being some locally common examples. Interestingly, this species can apparently also fruit on pine logs, especially two-needled pines (e.g lodgepole, pinus contorta). We are doing trials with pine and hope for results in 2022. Please refer to our documents on log inoculation  for more details.

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Phoenix Oyster

pleurotus pulmonarius

Phoenix Oyster Mushrooms

Can grow on douglas fir


Large, wavy caps


Great at high temperatures

A well known and versatile mushroom, Oysters have a gentle chewiness reminiscent of seafood. Great in Asian cuisine and beyond, Oyster Mushrooms shine when lightly sautéed.
15-30 degrees C, 85% Relative Humidity. Kits and premade blocks pinning within one week, 1st harvest within two weeks, 2nd harvest within 6 weeks.
For kits and premade blocks, expect up to 1lb on 1st harvest and 4oz on 2nd harvest. Good harvest is dependent on frequent watering and warm temperatures, as this strain is prone to drying.
Hardwood or Douglas fir chips or sawdust, straw, coffee grounds, various agricultural waste products and fibrous materials. Oyster mushrooms are the most versatile mushroom in terms of substrate choice. If using a low protein substrate (e.g sawdust), the use of a protein-rich supplement such as wheat bran or soy hulls will dramatically boost yields.

Most hardwoods (deciduous trees) are suitable, with birch, alder, and poplar being some locally common examples. Also, Douglas fir has shown to be a suitable host, and some other conifers may produce modest fruitings. Please refer to our documents on log inoculation  for more details.

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Pink Oyster

pleurotus djamour

Pink Oyster Mushrooms

Thin petal-like flesh with a pleasing chewiness


Striking bright pink colour


Does well at high temperatures

A well known and versatile mushroom, Oysters have a gentle chewiness reminiscent of seafood. Great in Asian cuisine and beyond, Oyster Mushrooms shine when lightly sautéed.
20-30 degrees C, 85% Relative Humidity. Kits and premade blocks pinning within one week, 1st harvest within two weeks, 2nd harvest within 6 weeks.
For kits and premade blocks, expect up to 12oz on 1st harvest and 4oz on 2nd harvest. This species is fairly picky in terms of humidity, so some experimentation may be required to optimize yields.
Hardwood chips or sawdust, straw, coffee grounds, various agricultural waste products and fibrous materials. Oyster mushrooms are the most versatile mushroom in terms of substrate choice. If using a low protein substrate (e.g sawdust), the use of a protein-rich supplement such as wheat bran or soy hulls will dramatically boost yields.
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White Elm Oyster

pleurotus ostreatus, white form

White Elm Oyster Mushrooms

Delicate, sweet aroma and mild taste


Beautiful large white caps


Great at high temperatures

A well known and versatile mushroom, Oysters have a gentle chewiness reminiscent of seafood. Great in Asian cuisine and beyond, Oyster Mushrooms shine when lightly sautéed.
15-30 degrees C, 85% Relative Humidity. Kits and premade blocks pinning within one week, 1st harvest within two weeks, 2nd harvest within 6 weeks.
For kits and premade blocks, expect up to 12oz on 1st harvest and 4oz on 2nd harvest.
Hardwood chips or sawdust, straw, coffee grounds, various agricultural waste products and fibrous materials. Oyster mushrooms are the most versatile mushroom in terms of substrate choice. If using a low protein substrate (e.g sawdust), the use of a protein-rich supplement such as wheat bran or soy hulls will dramatically boost yields.

Most hardwoods (deciduous trees) are suitable, with birch, alder, and poplar being some locally common examples. Please refer to our documents on log inoculation  for more details.

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Yellow Oyster

pleurotus citrinopileatus

Yellow Oyster Mushrooms

Nutty full flavour


Bright yellow, delicate caps


Does well in warm weather

A well known and versatile mushroom, Oysters have a gentle chewiness reminiscent of seafood. Great in Asian cuisine and beyond, Oyster Mushrooms shine when lightly sautéed.
20-30 degrees C, 85% Relative Humidity. Kits and premade blocks pinning within one week, 1st harvest within two weeks, 2nd harvest within 6 weeks.
For kits and premade blocks, expect up to 8oz on 1st harvest and 4oz on 2nd harvest. They’re not very productive, honestly, but they look amazing.
Hardwood chips or sawdust, straw, coffee grounds, various agricultural waste products and fibrous materials. Oyster mushrooms are the most versatile mushroom in terms of substrate choice. If using a low protein substrate (e.g sawdust), the use of a protein-rich supplement such as wheat bran or soy hulls will dramatically boost yields.
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